:: Captain's Log ::

...stardate 10357
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[::..who the hell..::]
::[Name]:: Larah McKay
::[DOB]:: 12/22/1980
::[DOD]:: 7/15/2063
::[Age]:: 23 going on 4 ½
::[Place o Birth]:: San Diego CA
::[Sign]:: Capricorn
::[Year]:: Monkiki
::[What]:: Flonkey
[::..things I dig..::]
::[Current List]:: John Cusack, Hugh Jackman, Steve Burns, Adrien Brody, and Pharrell Williams
::[Music]:: Indie, Jazz, Hip Hop, Classic Rock and my girl Utada Hikaru
::[Books]:: Atlas Shrugged, Cannery Row, HP 1 & 3
::[Movie]:: Amelie, Neverending Story, Labyrinth, 5th Element, Spirited Away
::[TV Show]:: The Man Show, Ranma, Kenshin
::[Artists & Who Not]:: Dali, Miyazaki, Amedeo Pace, Syd Barret, Amon Tobin
::[Actors]:: John Cusack, Winona Ryder, Gregory Peck, Franka Potente
::[En Particular]:: My love, My Melody, Moonstones, Domo-Kun, All things Japanese, Oscar Peterson, Vintage crap, Records, Cigarettes, The moon, Pizza Rolls, Sakuras, Springtime in Kintai, Transcendence
[::..If I could I would..::]
Fly, model model t fords (import style), move to random places with no abandon.
:: Me Home Page Matey [>]
:: Eric "Edubl" Constantino [>]
:: Eric's Art Nouveau Site (not like decor, but his new site) [>]
:: James wannabe cool site [>]
:: Craig's Ramblings about God knows what.. (Sike Craig!)[>]
:: David's (slukas) site [>]
:: Nellie's World[>]
:: Jax Chronicles[>]
:: Jem Corp[>]
:: Think Candice Think[>]
:: Rich n Creamy[>]
Short term memory (if there is such a thing) is composed of 5 units, plus or minus two. Hence, to make a funny, lists have to be 4 or less, preferably 3. Any more would allow previous information to be displaced, taking away from the humor.

:: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 ::

How do you do? I think we have met. My name is Ian, and I'm from Minor Threat...

Well, this whole blogger thing has been an absolute blast. Me with my inane thoughts and idiocies, and you with your wit and cunning. I think we should get married. However, you and I are on two different spectrums of differing inputs. I see the world as nothing more than the chemico-electrical transmissions between biological cells, and you see the world as beautiful though not easy. We, you and I, are the messengers of light.. the keepers of time.

HAHAHA I like thinking up the stupidest crap. This whole entry is dedicated to me saying 'arivederci', although not permanent.. moreso on sabbatical. My new site will be http://www.lumardor.com. So yeah neggies, this is not goodbye.. It's merely moving day! The site probably isn't up yet. Not like there is gonna be a mad rush of people typing in the address in their address bar right now. I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to read my stupid shit anyway.

Me love you long time. Only if you're hella fine.

:: Larah 6:15 PM [+] | ::
:: Monday, April 12, 2004 ::
For Confused

Sigh... Basically it's talking about the whole brain/body dichotomy, which can be divided even further to brain/mind (the mind in the sense that consciousness and thought emerge from physical brain processes). You don't identify yourself with your shadow or reflection in that touching it or altering it in anyway does not actually alter yourself. Seeing a distorted reflection or shadow does not mean your brain thinks "holy fuck, my body is fuct up." Your brain/mind can be thought of as independent of your body. Yes you feel pain and touch and sensations due to your skin's receptors which send a signal to your brain. Your brain also sends signals to your body to make it move. In that sense, your body and brain are cooperative entities. But your body also has subconscious movements that are governed by sub-cortical structures, not necessarily the "brain". But you, yourself, are derived from your experience, your consciousness, and yes granted from your sensory input which is received through your receptors on your body... but that is processed by your brain into perception, not just raw sensory input. Your neo-cortex is responsible for you... your identity, not necessarily what you take in from your body. It's sensation vs. perception.

Is that a good explanation?

ps. The second quote also helps explain the first indirectly. Leg amputees will sometimes have feeling in their amputated legs while engaging in sexual intercourse. This is because the neurons in the brain's body map for the leg/foot is right next to the neurons for the genitalia. Conversely, a person with an amputated penis will have phantom erections when the foot is stimulated (most amputees will have phantom feeling in, or even report being able to move their amputated limbs/body parts.)

:: Larah 3:02 PM [+] | ::
:: Friday, April 09, 2004 ::
Quote and Thing of the Day

You never identify yourself with the shadow cast by your body, or with its reflection, or with the body you see in a dream or in your imagination. Therefore you should not identify yourself with this living body, either.

-SHANKARA, Viveka Chudamani

A colleague of mine suggested I title this book "The Man Who Mistook His Foot for a Penis"

-Dr. Ramachandran, referring to the close spatial relationship of body areas as represented by Penfield's Homunculus

:: Larah 7:45 PM [+] | ::
:: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 ::
Dramatic Song List..

Okay this is nowhere near complete.. I just thought of this now since I'm listening to me iPod. Plus I have the overwhelming need for attention since I am the ultimate attention whore. But whatever, I know you all 3 mates that read this will hook it up on the comments. Your responses are the foundation of my self esteem. I require other people's feedback to base my day to day decisions. I need you to dictate how I act on a normal basis.

So yeah, what songs make you feel all dramatic and shyte (dark or airy, whatever)? Please comment your list (if you need a reason why, see above again).

*So Real, Lilac Wine: Jeff Buckley
*Climbing Up the Walls, Meeting in the Aisles, How to Disappear Completely: Radiohead
*Vai Vedrai: Cirque du Soleil
*Summer 78: Yann Tiersen
*Numb: Portishead
*Broken World, The Old Kind of Summer: Black Heart Procession
*Loved Despite of Great Faults, U.F.O, Slogan, Chi E e Non E, Distilled: Blonde Redhead
*Comfortably Numb, Have a Cigar, Shine on You Crazy Diamond: Pink Floyd

and probably the current ultimate: Melancholy Man by the Moody Blues

So yeah post, biatch..

:: Larah 10:45 AM [+] | ::
:: Thursday, April 01, 2004 ::
Surf Update

Yeah, ok.. standing up is hella hard if you don't have a longboard. Catching a wave is hella easy if you're at La Jolla shores (or at least it was yesterday). I kept getting fuct up by the waves, but gosh darnit, it was fun as heck. This has to be at least a weekly thing for me. This shyte is just waaaaaaay too much fun. Crap, now I need to invest in a wet suit and board... Hopefully my buddie Lawrence doesn't mind me borrowing his board all the time. But I think a wet suit is a safe investment. I want to turn into the ultimate surf monkey. That's just way too much fun.

wahchanah north shore...

:: Larah 12:16 PM [+] | ::
:: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 ::
Other Minor Highlight of the Year, yeeeaaah..

My hot Indian dentist told me I was a very pretty girl. It's all about the hot Indian dentists. It's actually just about hot Indians.. I watch that wannabe Knight Rider song video, I'm not ashamed.

:: Larah 8:36 AM [+] | ::
:: Monday, March 29, 2004 ::
How much does Hawaii rule? Fucking hella!

I can't believe I'm back in town already, and I have stupid work and stupid school tomorrow. I have decided that I'm dragging Eric to the NW side of Oahu and open up "Eric's Skrimp Shack", where the shrimp are like, 'Yeaaah... WHAT?!? and Okaaay??? Cuz I'm Rick James, Bitch!

ok so the haps...

I was hella drinkin and eatin the whole time. Atkins diet is no longer. I am hella fat right now.

Learned to surf, and even stood up 3 out of like, the 5 times I actually caught a wave. The first time I caught a wave I got latched onto some dude that was hella surfing. I felt kinda bad, but whatever, I was hella surfing on me stomach. So yeah, surfing is hella easy. Granted I'm not all Kelly Slater or anything, but standing up is SOOOO not hard. Catching a wave is the hard part, cuz sometimes I think I got it, then all of a sudden the wave just goes right past me. But I got a mad rash on my stomach from getting on the board. Next time I need to get a rash guard... or a wet suit cuz the water is hella cold down here. Hawaiian beaches are 5000 times better than socal beaches.

I love that Hawaii is like an Americanized Japan. Ok, there is a MOS burger, AND a CoCos, AND an Okonomiyaki house. If you know Japan, you know what I'm talking about. McDonalds has a SPAM McGriddle, and SPAM and eggs and rice for breakfast. 7-11 has spam musubi and hella types of shopao like curry and pork adobo. And I love the ABC stores hella everywhere, like seriously just one store separating them. Fuckin dope.

Mopeds are hella dope. I want one... If (or when) I move back to Japan, I'm SOOOO gettin one. That plus a MORRIS mini, not a stupid BMW Mini... eeeeeeehhhh (that's a whiney yuppie sound if you're wondering what TF that was).

Thursday was the VIP treatment from my homeboy Kris, eating at a fat yakiniku house, and getting into a club/show in the VIP lounge where People Under the Stairs were playing for FREE dollars (I know, terrible run on sentence). I can't hang out with that guy though maen. He gets the party star for staying up late, and drinking hella, and still maintaining composure. When he was in LA last, he was up til 7am still hella drinking. That guy is way too much.

Fresh guava juice is the best. That had to be the best juice I have ever had, and it was straight out of some shack in the jungle. That shit was dope.

Fresh papaya is the best.

We spent over 100 bucks at the ABC store and all I got was this stupid mug.. cuz it's free with ever 100 dollar purchase.

I love Hawaii.. I've always loved Hawaii. I could totally live there. Other places, I couldnt' totally live.. like Florida (Sorry Nik!) and Korea and the PI. I mean, they're aight, but they dont' have the Larah vibe at all. Now Japan, Hawaii and pretty much where I've been in California (not like Bakersfield or anything, cuz comeon, I need to be around something) I can totally live. I didnt' really dig the Big Island when I was there like in 97 but Maui, Kuwaii (sp), and Oahu are so Larah.

I think I'm bout to become a total surfer chick. That shit was dope as fuck.

oh, and I passed my stupid neural networks class. DOPE! Graduation here I come!
:: Larah 1:18 AM [+] | ::

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